Lab 7 - Service Mapping
Lab Overview
Services are a part of application monitoring and provide a logical view of your system. Services are derived from infrastructure entities such as hosts, containers, and processes. In this lab you will learn to modify the ratings service of Robot Shop by changing its name from rs-ratings to rs-ratings-your last name. By the end of the lab, you should be able to find your service in your Application Perspective with its new name.
Step 1:
SSH into your host.
ssh ubuntu@<IP address>
Step 2:
Navigate to the robot-shop/ratings directory
cd /home/ubuntu/robot-shop/ratings
Step 3:
Copy the file Docker file to Dockerfile.orig
sudo cp Dockerfile Dockerfile.orig
Step 4:
Edit the file Dockerfile
sudo vi Dockerfile
And add the following line:
ENV INSTANA_SERVICE_NAME=rs-ratings-<your last name>
Step 5:
Navigate back up to the robot-shop directory.
cd /home/ubuntu/robot-shop/
Step 6:
Execute: docker-compose build ratings
sudo docker-compose build ratings
Step 7:
Execute: docker-compose up -d ratings
sudo docker-compose up -d ratings
Step 8:
In the UI, find your service in your Application Perspective and verify the new name.
Click Application, then Services, and lastly verify the name.