Instructor Setup Instructions
Creating Virtual Machines for class
Email Doug Slade ( with any questions or for access.
Step 1:
Navigate and login to IBM Cloud.
Step 2:
Go to sidebar then Classic > Devices > Manage > Images
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/196092543f128d61694f74b1ff593548/3cbba/1.png)
Step 3:
Click on InstanaPOTStudentVMImages (old-> ausptw-mar22-master) which is the master image
Step 4:
Go to top right corner and click Actions > Order Public VSI
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/685e1d7e9d0eba14375b3a318b3e595a/3cbba/2.png)
Step 5:
Create a host name that is appropriate to the location of the class
Step 6:
Choose quantity (20 Max).
Change billing rate to Hourly.
Change profile to B1 2x8.
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/66189d6ea1806f5b2cd300a92014b79d/3cbba/3.png)
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/21db1e7de18821a632a262569f216fa5/3cbba/4.png)
Step 7:
Click the Create button in the right-hand sidebar
Once Virtual Machines are Created
Step 1:
Search devices for “aiops-”
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/4e7996858f403a7504ba5c65083b06ef/3cbba/image5.png)
Step 2:
Click on VM Image and go to Password tab
![lab image lab image](/Instana-1-Day-Partner-Workshop/static/f8785bc4b2fa142b53edb2778eec95cc/3cbba/image6.png)
Step 3:
SSH into each machine using the given password and change it to something more secure.
- ssh root@(machine-ip)
- passwd ubuntu
- (enter new ubuntu password [Do not use common password like “ubuntu”])
You can exit and SSH into machine again and verify ubuntu password works.
- ssh ubuntu@(machine ip)